Assignment #19: Aaron Siskind:
Mode: Manual, Iso: 400, SS: 1/50, F-stop: f/5.6, Lens: 35mm
*I decided to throw the edited version of this image into Lightroom again to see if I could potentially make it better. Here's the redo:

*I decided to throw the edited version of this image into Lightroom again to see if I could potentially make it better. Here's the redo:

Mode: Manual, Iso: 400, SS: 1/20, F-stop: f/6.3, Lens: 200 mm
My images and Siskind's share the color scheme of black and white. This allows for the details, texture, and objects to become distinct from the background and other objects in the scene. Also, the texture within Siskind's pieces inspired me to look for a composition with a contrasting texture. Lastly, an aspect that Siskind uses to enhance the depth of his work is lighting. Traditionally in his work the black and white colors are as harsh as possible creating an extreme contrast within the images, which I tried to portray through my editing.
I love the top image - the values might be tweaked a bit to see what more you can do with these but the top one is very interesting to me.